Thursday, 28 September 2017


The greatest mind blowing question a lot of people ask about IJMB is based on the Official Issues - Does IJMB Have an Official Website?
The hard and fact about that is No, but there a lot of people portraying as IJMB official website, they come with various bank accounts names like IJMB..... this, IJMB......that and many more. The truth they are in no way connected to ABU ZARIA and their authenticity can be questioned because they don't represent any organization. they lure people into believing they are the officials of the program but the basic truth is that majority of them are fraudulent.
However, we serve as a legal entity under the registered allied act of company as LEARN MORE NIGERIA with registration no (RC:27609), partnering with various Accredited IJMB Study centres nationwide, with the sole aim of registering interested IJMB Candidate to various IJMB Centre that is closer to their location, that's the fair advantage we have over others. and we are pleased to inform you that registering with a registered Firm like our's gives you an insurance and assurance of be secured in your application process.

Another interesting Question people ask when they contact us is What Difference does Registering with makes?
What we tell them is that registering with us gives candidate an opportunity to choose from our list of various Accredited IJMB Study centre nationwide however majority of the centres who blog about IJMB admission are only located in ILORIN, KWARA. Other benefits like Automatic Admission without Screening, Privileged to pay tuition fee in installment, Conductive Learning Condition, Hostel Accommodation etc.

How to identify the ijmb fraudsters!!! from 

Learn more nigeria have been receiving calls from people, especially
potential IJMB students, talking about IJMB, pupils who are interested in IJMB
program. Since there are different websites advertising IJMB online
especially in the forum sites like Nairaland, google, facebook, NBF and
other popular forum websites
. Our advise to those
potential IJMB students are to be careful of what website or what article they are going to read and understand in their view to getting more information on IJMB.
We must tell you this, there are so many people using IJMB as means of defrauding students, and
Such people increase day by day.
Therefore it very difficult for this intending students to know whom to Trust?

In our own view to making students know who to trust, we have decided to give some tips in identifying and separating the real from the fake.

We've done a lot of research and we've come to realize that there are many online IJMB advertiser on google and we tried indicating who's who, I hope potential
students will not fall for victim of their illegal act. If you are lucky to see this post, We are pleading with you to share this on google+, facebook or
twitter account for other people to see this. We've heard so
many cases of students buying form, and even
paying some part of the school fees, and at the end of the day, sellers are gone.
Here are some of the tips on how to

determined a registered website to register for IJMB programme

THEY MUST BE A REGISTERED BODY. Website must have gone through the corporate affairs commission(CAC) registration and have a company's name like our's LEARN MORE NIGERIA and must have a Registration number like ours RC: 27609 which makes the body easily identify and traceable by the law enforcement agency provided any fraud is been detected.

THE ACCOUNT NAME MUST TALLY WITH THE NAME OF THE BODY Beware of making payments to individual accounts and IJMB this and that account as they don't represent any organisation whatsoever. majority of them may look like the example illustrated below so therefore beware of them and ask them for the name of their organisation. Let them know you understand that the programme is IJMB but what organisation are they.
******** bank
Account name IJMB**********
Account number 01546*****  

HOW TO APPLY FOR IJMB IJMB registration is ongoing and all Centres are located in the state capital and candidate picks from the list of available centres during their registration process Apply to study centres nationwide by making payments of #8,750 to

STEP 1: begin your registration online via ATM card by clicking on the link

or to the account details below:
A/c Name: Learn More Nigeria
A/c No: 0149397006

STEP 2: then submit payment details via to confirm and validate your payment.

STEP 3: the proceed to to complete registration.

for more instruction, call 070-3736-8149

For more Enquiries read our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS or mail us on or Call 07037368149 | 08102508292 |  Also LIKE us on FACEBOOK or follow us on BBM Channel: C00157313 for our latest updates.

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